Applied Electronics Lab
This Laboratory is used for foundation courses like Electronics Devices and Circuits, linear integrated circuits, electronic measurement, network synthesis, and filter design. It is equipped with various experiment kits, boards such as Texas Instruments, power supplies, function generators, measuring instruments like CROs, DSOs, LCR meter, True RMS meter, Computers, and Simulation software tools.
Microprocessor Lab
This laboratory is used for the practicals of subjects related to digital systems design, microprocessors, microcontrollers, programming and for projects. The equipment/boards available are digital electronics trainers, function and signal generators, CROs, DSOs, logic analyser, Boards for 8086, 8051, PIC, TMS340, TIVA, Arduino kits, At mega kits and Raspberry Pi along with Open CV.
Communication and Signal Processing
This laboratory is designed for the experiments related to analog and digital communications. These laboratories are fully equipped with the necessary experimental setups, equipment such as signal and arbitrary function generators, DSOs, spectrum analysers, logic analysers, basic communication kits, antenna systems, multimedia devices and Computers with MATLAB, HFSS, IE3D and other open source software tools
Project Lab
This lab is equipped with CRO, DSO, Power supply and project testing and debugging tools.
Students use this lab for completion of Project work . Some discussion among their groups.
Advance Communication Lab
This laboratory is used for the experiments related to fibre optic communication, microwave, satellites, software defined radio, computer networks, wired and wireless communication. It has state-of–the art equipment such as optical time domain reflectometer, optical power meters, microwave benches setups, satellite communication trainer, vector network analyser, universal software radio peripherals, LoRa nodes, Mobile phone trainers, GSM, CDMA and 3G trainers, CISCO switches and routers, PCs with software tools such as MATLAB, Phoenix, Lab View, Qualnet, NetSim and GNU Radio, NS-2/NS-3, GNS-3, CISCO Packet tracer and others.
Robotics Lab
Humanoid Robotics lab is supported by Aedifico Tech Pvt. Ltd.,New Delhi.
Objective is to create Humanoid Robot for different applications. Students will be trained on robotics from fundamental to higher level. The Project Based Learning (PBL) approach will be employed to train students in the niche future technology with open ended projects in groups. The laboratory is open for students of all branches